DULUC-AYBAR & RONDON – Leading firm in tax and accounting advice to national and foreign clients in the Eastern Zone of the Dominican Republic.
Educational space to inform the legal community and the general public about legal and tax issues of interest.
- Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic, Inc. (AIRD)
- National Association of Young Entrepreneurs Inc. (ANJE)
- Employers’ Confederation of the Dominican Republic (COPARDOM)
- Dominican Republic Stock Exchange (BVRD)
- American Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic (AMCHAMDR)
- Chamber of Commerce and Production of Santo Domingo, Inc. (CCPSD)
- National Council of Private Enterprise, Inc. (CONEP)
- National Social Security Council (CNSS)
- National School of the Judiciary of the Dominican Republic (ENJ)
- Central Bank of the Dominican Republic (BC)
- Chamber of Deputies of the Dominican Republic (CD)
- Export and Investment Center of the Dominican Republic (CEI-RD)
- National Competitiveness Council (CNC)
- National Council of Export Free Zones (CNZFE)
- Legal Consultancy of the Executive Branch (CJPE)
- General Directorate of Customs (DGA)
- General Directorate of Internal Revenue (DGII)
- Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (INDOTEL)
- Central Electoral Board (JCE)
- National Office of Industrial Property (ONAPI)
- Presidency of the Dominican Republic
- Ministry of Agriculture (SEA)
- Ministry of Education (SEE)
- Ministry of Industry and Commerce (SEIC)
- Ministry of the Armed Forces (SEFA)
- Ministry of Finance (SEH)
- Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARENA)
- Ministry of Public Works and Communications (SEOPC)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SEREX)
- Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (SESPAS)
- Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR)
- Ministry of Labor (SET)
- Ministry of Interior and Police (SEIP)
- Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (SEEPYD)
- Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (SEESCYT)
- Ministry of Youth (SEJ)
- Ministry of Women (SEM)
- Ministry of Culture (SEC)
- Senate of the Dominican Republic
- Superintendency of Banks (SIB)
- Superintendency of Securities (SIV)
- Superintendency of Insurance (SIS)
- Superintendency of Pensions (SIPEN)
- Superintendence of Health and Occupational Risks (SISALRIL)
- Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ)
- Social Security Treasury (TSS)
- Pro Dominicana – Investment Guide